Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thankful #3 & 4

Day #3 photo represents many things I was thankful for:

  •  Thankful that I survived the season being the "head coach" of Nora's soccer team
  •  Extra thankful for all the help Tom gave as "assistant" coach (he really became as much of the head coach as I was)
  •   Thankful that my daughter still thinks it is great to have her parents be her coach
  •   Thankful for a successful season with a fun team
  •   And especially thankful that the season is over so I don't have to wear that hideous orange           t-shirt anymore:-)

Day #4  Seahawk Sunday

Today I am thankful that we were able to enjoy a Seahawk Sunday game day.  The past month we have had many conflicts that have interfered.  But today we were able to enjoy it with every ritual and superstition that we have including:  pizza poppers for lunch, cheetos for second half snack, skittles for Lynch Touchdowns, First Down cheer (pictured above), touchdown celebrations and of course all of us showing our Seahawk Pride with our gameday gear.  I love that our girls enjoy all of this as much as I do and not only do they enjoy all the silly stuff but they fully understand the game of football and can watch it and give good commentary on what is going on.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I love the Seahawks traditions! What fun memories for the girls.