Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Opening Night

And closing night:-) Tonight was Madison's school 1st/2nd grade musical. We are very thankful to have an amazing music teacher who goes above and beyond for these performances. The students had to try-out for roles and have been rehearsing for the last month. The performance was adorable and Madison did a great job hitting all of her lines without any issues.
Panya and Maliki
Madison was cast as Panya the Mouse and had a good number of lines to learn along with singing a SOLO! Where she gets her confidence is beyond me. In second grade I would have been crying in the corner if someone had asked me to go on the stage to sing and act. But it comes quite naturally to Madison and she did a wonderful job. Here is a little snippet of her solo. Horrible quality, but you get the idea.

I didn't realize until the performance that she had some dancing parts. I have a feeling that wasn't part of the audition. Singing and acting she she may have some talent, but her dancing and rhythm needs a lot of work!! It was super cute anyways:-)


Anonymous said...

SUPER!! Peggy

Karin said...

supercute entry!

Amy said...

I kept meaning to comment, but forgot! I loved seeing Madison's little song - so cute.
We seriously need to get together.