Thursday, January 6, 2011

Bookless in Seattle

Help a lady out! The last six months I have caught the reading bug and have probably read more over that time frame than in the last 3 years combined. It started with The Hunger Games trilogy and moved into The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo trilogy. The last 2 that I have enjoyed are these: Have thrown in a few mysteries and other random finds but need help coming up with a new one. I like most anything, probably prefer just a good dramatic type novel I guess. So please share, what good books have you read recently?


Karin said...

how come they're not on your bookshelf? I would recommend about 75% of what's on my bookshelf... look it over and let me know which one you're thinking about. I'm reading a Dawn recommendation right now and it's very, very good... Edgar Sawtelle.

Holly said...

Lisa! You know this is right up my alley! Have you read The Kite Runner, A Thousand Splendid Suns, These Is My Words, The Help, The Time Traveler's Wife (one of my all time favorites....but not very wholesome if you're sensitive to language and such), anything by Jodi Picoult, The Little Stranger...I could on and on. Lets discuss this more.

SiskiyouSue said...

Hi. Try The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. It's a mystery but not like any other that I've read. I've enjoyed the characters in it.

Love the pictures! Wow, how the girls are changing!

SiskiyouSue said...

And, try Patricia Wrede's Dealing With Dragons trilogy with the girls. Another fairy tale worth reading!